Lieutenant Dods grew up in Atlantic City, New Jersey before attending the United States Naval Academy. While at USNA, he was a member of the Varsity Offshore Sailing Team, and earned a degree in Mathematics, commissioning in 2019 into the submarine community. As a recipient of the Bowman Scholarship, he spent the following year earning a master’s degree in Applied Mathematics from the Naval Postgraduate School.
Lieutenant Dods completed the nuclear pipeline in Charleston, South Carolina, before reporting to the PCU NEW JERSEY (SSN 796). While attached to NEW JERSEY, he participated in such key events as Initial Criticality, Sea Trials, weapons certification, and commissioning. He also deployed with USS NEW MEXICO (SSN 779) in 2022. During his sea tour, he served as the Main Propulsion Assistant, Chemical and Radiological Control Assistant, Reactor Control Assistant, Assistant Weapons Officer, Quality Assurance Officer, and Assistant Engineer.
In November 2024, Lieutenant Dods reported to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where he serves as a Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Midshipmen Advisor. Outside of work, he enjoys cooking, audio electronics, golfing, sailing, and climbing.