Summer Cruise
Summer Cruise is an opportunity for Midshipmen to get hands-on training for their military officer career. Midshipmen will participate in four summer cruises. Summer Cruises can last from one week up to six weeks.
Their first cruise is New Student Indoctrination (NSI). NSI takes place before a Midshipman’s Freshman year of college. NSI is approximately three weeks long and takes place at Recruit Training Command Great Lakes in Great Lakes, Illinois. NSI is a boot camp-styled training evolution in which Midshipmen Candidates will be trained by Midshipmen Instructors and Navy and Marine Corps Drill Instructors. Over the course of NSI, Midshipmen will learn drill, damage control (Navy firefighting), line handling, and small arms qualification. NSI will prepare Midshipmen Candidates for their careers at their NROTC unit. Passing NSI is a requirement to activate your NROTC scholarship.
Career Orientation Training for Midshipmen (CORTRAMID) is a four-week-long cruise in which Midshipmen will learn about the different career options available to them as Naval Officers. CORTAMID is broken into two sections, CORTRAMID East and CORTRAMID West. CORTRAMID East is based out of Norfolk, VA well CORTRAMID West is based out of San Diego, CA. Midshipmen will spend one week with each of the four main naval warfare communities: surface, submarines, aviation, and the Marine Corps. During surface week, midshipmen will spend time on a deployed surface vessel. They will learn about ship life and train on damage control trainers. During submarine week, midshipmen will get a classified briefing about submarine operations, practice in submarine damage control trainers, and spend twenty-four hours aboard an underway submarine. During aviation week, midshipmen will one week at an aviation squadron, learning squadron life. Midshipmen will also have an opportunity to ride in an MH-60 helicopter and fly a T-6 Texan II trainer aircraft.
Second Class Cruise occurs in the summer between a Midshipmen’s Sophomore and Junior year. Second Class Cruise is the first time a Midshipman is able to pick what they want to do for a cruise. There are three options for a Second Class Cruise: surface, submarine, and NSI Midshipmen Instructor. The surface and submarine cruise focuses on life-aboard surface ships and submarines. The midshipmen will get an enlisted running mate whom they will shadow to learn about enlisted life. Midshipmen will stand watch and practice earning qualifications. As an NSI instructor, Midshipmen will work to train the incoming class of midshipmen. Midshipmen will gain experience in training peers, giving orders, and organizing and executing large-scale training evolutions.
First Class Cruise occurs in the summer between a Midshipmen’s Junior and Senior year. Midshipmen have multiple options for their First Class cruise including surface, submarines, aviation, foreign exchange (FOREX), NSI Midshipmen Instructor, SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS), and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD). The surface and submarine cruises are similar to the Second Class cruises except the Midshipmen’s running mate is a junior officer. For an aviation cruise, a Midshipman will have a junior officer running mate. The midshipmen will get to experience squadron life and ride along on flights from their squadron. A FOREX is an amazing opportunity Midshipmen have to train with an allied nation’s navy. SOAS is a requirement if a Midshipman seeks to become a SEAL officer. SOAS is a pre-BUD/S selection and training cruise in which a midshipman must pass to be selected for special warfare and attend BUD/S to earn the title of a SEAL. The EOD cruise is similar to SOAS. It is a selection and training cruise that Midshipmen must pass in order to be selected for Navy EOD.
How to Get Involved
NROTCURPI is a self-funded club. Midshipmen raise funds to use midshipmen events. To see current fundraisers, follow NROTCURPI on social media (Facebook and Instagram).
NROTCURPI also has a Unit Store where we sell NROTCURPI merchandise. All proceeds from Unit Store go back to Midshipmen funds.
Important Events
New Student Orientation (NSO) is a one week long training evolution for incoming freshman to NROTCU RPI. During NSO, the incoming fourth class midshipmen will be trained by NROTCU RPI upper-class Midshipmen and the Unit Staff in drill, how NROTC works at RPI, the history of NROTCU RPI, and foundational knowledge for Midshipmen. NSO is designed to orient Midshipmen to NROTCU RPI and bring College Programmers, Midshipmen not on scholarship, up to the level of knowledge of their peers.
Family Weekend is an event hosted by RPI generally in October. There will be multiple events over the course of the weekend including NROTC events.
Commissioning is the last event of a Midshipman’s career. It is when they finally commission as an officer in the United States Navy or Marine Corps. Commissioning is a grand and exciting event open to family and friends. Commissioning generally takes place two weeks after the last day of classes in the Spring Semester.
Dining in is a traditional military ceremony and celebration among members of a specific unit. At NROTCURPI we conduct one every spring semester. During the event MIDN and Unit staff will get together to offer toasts, enjoy entertainment provided by MIDN, enjoy a meal, and celebrate the accomplishments from the previous year of all present
ROTC Units across the country host Military Excellence Competitions (MECs), which are opportunities for NROTCURPI MIDN to compete with MIDN from other Units in athletic and fitness competitions, close-order drill, color guard competitions, and other events. 4/C MIDN are generally required to attend at least one MEC.
Birthday Ball is a favorite tradition among the Navy and Marine Corps. At NROTCURPI MIDN, Unit staff, their dates, and guests of honor celebrate the Navy and Marine Corps storied history, tradition, and continued legacy. We honor our fallen and MIA, those who have fought bravely around the world, and conduct traditional color guard and cake cutting ceremonies. It is also and opportunity for Unit members to enjoy themselves and spend time together.
Marine options will participate in various Field Exercises, or FEX. They are intended to prepare Marine options for OCS, after which they earn the title of being a United States Marine. Events include ruck marches, setting up camp, practicing small unit tactics, and obstacle courses.