Captain Jennifer B. Beckley is the Operations Flight Commander of the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Detachment 550 and an Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. She is responsible for overseeing daily operations of the Detachment’s Cadet Wing, which include educating, training, and developing officer candidates for the United States Air Force.
Captain Beckley enlisted into the United States Air Force in May 2009 and was assigned to multiple stateside and overseas locations. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Management in 2016 from Colorado Technical University, Colorado Springs, Colo. She received her commission from Officer Training School in 2018. Between both enlisted and commissioned service, Capt Beckley has completed over 14 years of active-duty service.
Prior to this assignment, Captain Beckley served as the Executive Officer to the 52d Operations Group Commander and the Director of Operations for Airfield Operations at Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, where she led a Flight of 60 Airmen across multiple career fields and Geographically Separated Units. Capt Beckley supported Operation Enduring Freedom in Africa in 2017.
2013 Distinguished Graduate, Airman Leadership School, Barksdale AFB, La.
2014 Associates Degree in Applied Science, Aviation Management, Community College of the Air Force (CCAF), Maxwell AFB, Ala.
2015 Airfield Management Craftsman Course, Keesler AFB, Miss., by correspondence.
2016 Bachelor of Science, Management, Magna Cum Laude, Colorado Technical University (CTU), Colorado Springs, Colo.
2018 Distinguished Graduate, Officer Training School (OTS), Maxwell AFB, Ala.
2020 Advanced Airfield Manager Course, Keesler AFB, Miss.
2020 Master of Science, Organizational Leadership and Change Processes, Colorado Technical University (CTU), Colorado Springs, Colo.
2022 – Present Doctor of Philosophy (in progress), Industrial Organizational Psychology, Liberty University, Lynchburg, Va.
1. September 2009 - August 2010, Airfield Management Shift Lead, 27th Operations Support Squadron (OSS), Cannon AFB, N.M.
2. August 2010 - November 2011, Airfield Management Shift Lead, 39th Operations Squadron (OS), Incirlik AB, Adana, Turkey.
3. November 2011 - March 2016, Airfield Management Operations Supervisor, 2d OSS, Barksdale AFB, La.
4. March 2016 - May 2018, NCOIC, Airfield Management Training, 437th OSS, JB Charleston, S.C. (July 2017 - December 2017, Airfield Management Operations Supervisor, Africa)
5. May 2018 - May 2021, Airfield Operations Flight Commander, 436th OSS, Dover AFB, Del.
6. May 2021 - September 2023, Airfield Operations Director of Operations, 52d OSS, Spangdahlem AB, Germany.
7. Sep 2023 - Present, Operations Flight Commander, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Detachment 550, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
Major Awards and Decorations
Air Force Commendation Medal with five oak leaf clusters
Air Force Achievement Medal with three oak leaf clusters
Effective Dates of Promotion
Second Lieutenant May 24, 2018
First Lieutenant May 24, 2020
Captain May 24, 2022
(Current as of Sep 2023)