Courses & Training

General Military Course (GMC)

AS101: “DAF Professionalism” is to cultivate a foundational understanding and appreciation of the Department of the Air Force's (DAF) core values, culture, and the essential personal attributes that define professionalism within this unique environment. This course is meticulously designed to bridge theoretical knowledge with practical skills, fostering a cadre of well-rounded students ready to excel in the DAF ecosystem.

AS102: “Competition and Security," is to introduce students to the concept of national security from a broad perspective, encompassing the military's involvement in securing national interests through a range of activities from cooperation to armed conflict. This course is designed to lay a solid foundation for understanding the multifaceted nature of global security and the critical role of the DAF in maintaining peace and security.

"Team and Leadership Fundamentals," focuses on laying the foundation for teams and leadership. The topics include skills that will allow cadets to improve their leadership on a personal level and within a team. The courses will prepare cadets for their field training experience where they will be able to put the concepts learned into practice. The purpose is to instill a leadership mindset and to motivate sophomore students to transition from AFROTC cadet to AFROTC officer candidate

Summer Field Training

Field training (FT) is an intense, 19-day leadership challenge that occurs during the summer months, typically 2 years before graduation. It is designed to evaluate leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, decision-making, critical-thinking and communication skills. Cadets currently attend Field Training at Maxwell AFB, Alabama.

Professional Officer Course (POC)

"Leading People and Effective Communication," teaches cadets advanced skills and knowledge in management and leadership. Special emphasis is placed on enhancing leadership skills and communication. Cadets have an opportunity to try out these leadership and management techniques in a supervised environment as juniors and seniors

"National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty," is designed for college seniors and gives them the foundation to understand their role as military officers in American society. It is an overview of the complex social and political issues facing the military profession and requires a measure of sophistication commensurate with the senior college level. The final semester provides information that will prepare the cadets for Active Duty.

Physical Training (PT)

Physical Training (PT) consists of group workouts to help individuals establish physical readiness. Components of readiness are muscular strength, muscular endurance and cardio-respiratory endurance. Major goals of the course are: To physically challenge cadets and help cadets develop self-confidence, discipline and morale. Cadets will lead their PT sessions and work to achieve or exceed the physical readiness standard established by the U.S. Air Force.

Leadership Lab (LLAB)

Air Force Leadership Lab is designed to provide cadets with a foundational understanding of the benefits, opportunities and responsibilities associated with being an Air Force officer. Cadets will have opportunities to develop their leadership skills through group leadership projects, public speaking, event planning and overall program management.


Arnold Air Society is a professional, honorary service organization advocating the support of aerospace power. It is a national organization comprised of cadets from various ROTC detachments that are all around the country. This squadron has a great legacy, and continually looks to further it through exemplary community service, fundraising, and social events.

Due to Privacy Act considerations the AFROTC detachment may not link to the Arnold Air Society (AAS) National Website

Color Guard is a special team of Cadets from the Detachment that participate in events that represent that Detachment, the Air Force or the United States of America. Color Guard participants wield flags and stand in between two guards with rifles while marching. They participate in parades, present colors at ceremonies and even perform POW/MIA tributes.

Request a Color Guard at your event.

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